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Solidarity Committee and Fund: Mandate & Terms of Reference


As an initiative that began in 2004, the CULE Solidarity Fund and the CULE Solidarity Committee (which is a sub committee of the CULE Executive) has as its mandate to help reduce poverty and social injustice in many parts of the world. To this end the CULE Solidarity Committee provides support and funding to initiatives which develop linkages to other worker and labour organizations in other countries, better the quality of life of majority world workers, and assists children of CULE members to participate in solidarity initiatives at home and abroad*.


Terms of Reference

• To develop linkages with worker and labour organizations in other countries, especially majority world countries so as to foster a spirit of solidarity and thus better an understanding of each other and the workers represented.

• To assist in various ways to better the quality of life of majority world workers.

• To co-ordinate among CULE members fundraising, funding and donations (both in dollars and in kind) to other worker organizations in majority world countries (this would include organizing the gathering of used clothing in offices for donation to organizations in other countries for example).


• To assist the CULE Convention Committee in the role of establishing linkages to worker/labour organizations in the host country and to co-ordinate the effort to bring various supplies to that country during the convention period.

• To allot $1000 per year from the Solidarity Fund to fund Aboriginal Initiatives within Canada. These initiatives will be funded on the basis that they are for the Aboriginal Community within Canada, and they develop linkages with Aboriginal organizations, and/or assist in various ways to better the quality life of Aboriginal workers. If the funding is not used in one year the funding may be carried over, to a maximum of $3000. The Solidarity Fund portion for Aboriginal Initiatives will not exceed $3000.


Each year the CULE Solidarity Fund is to be used to support the mandate and terms of reference as noted above. How is the Fund allocated? Individual grants will depend on the scale of the project.

How is the Fund allocated? 

Individual grants will depend on the scale of the project.

How to Apply?

Provide a detailed application including the following:

• Title of Initiative

• Project Summary

• Amount requested from the CULE Solidarity Fund?

• Project Budget (please attach a detailed budget)

• Have you previously received funding from the CULE Solidarity Fund? Please indicate what activity it funded.

• Where else have you gone for funding?

• How long has your group/organization been active? Have you worked on any other projects? If so, what were they?

• Contact Information

• To whom should the cheque be made out and where should it be sent?


Additional information – How will applicants be evaluated?

The CULE Solidarity Fund is overseen by the CULE Solidarity Committee and funds are approved by the CULE Executive. Funds are limited and shared between multiple community-based projects.


The Committee looks at the following criteria:

To support grassroots initiatives that focus on

a) building worker solidarity

b) improving the quality of life of majority world workers


Describe how would this initiative benefit the community?


Does it demonstrate creativity or uniqueness in the outcome?


Will this initiative have trouble getting funding from other sources?



The CULE Solidarity Committee commits to reviewing requests quarterly on February 28th, May 31st, August 31st, November 30th or as often as necessary to discuss proposals and make recommendations before CULE Executive meetings.


Questions and applications can be directed to:, please indicate CULE Solidarity Fund in subject line.

Reference Information
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